Xcode Developer Tools Catalina

  1. Xcode Developer Tools Catalina Installer
  2. Xcode Developer Tools Catalina Patcher

The App Store is available in 175 countries and regions and 40 languages to make it easy for users around the world to discover and download your app. Localizing your app helps make it relevant to a variety of cultures and languages, and provides an opportunity to grow your business. Learn how to prepare your app for a global audience and understand considerations for expanding into new markets.

Xcode 12 even includes a porting tool to streamline the process. The new Extensions category on the Mac App Store showcases Safari extensions, with editorial spotlights and top charts to help users discover and download great extensions from the developer community. Learn about Safari extensions. Machine Learning.

Structure Your App for Localization

  • Xcode cannot execute scripts with sudo permissions, and it cannot invoke any user interaction (e.g. And applescript dialog) to finish a build. In the Soundflower 'Tools' folder there is a Ruby script called 'load.rb' which will copy the built kext into the install location using sudo. This sets the owner and group correctly.
  • With Apple’s powerful tools and technologies, including Xcode 11, Apple APIs, Auto Layout, and Unicode support, it’s easy to prepare your apps to support multiple languages and regions, even before you know which languages you’d like to add. In Xcode, make sure your user-visible text and images are separate from your executable code.
  • Xcode 12 even includes a porting tool to streamline the process. The new Extensions category on the Mac App Store showcases Safari extensions, with editorial spotlights and top charts to help users discover and download great extensions from the developer community. Learn about Safari extensions. Machine Learning.
  • Cover the basics with shortcuts for macOS or let your fingers fly in one of the 28 apps and tools you already love. 1.000+ Shortcuts With our database you’ve got more than 1.000 keyboard commands at your fingertips, subdivided by app and category.

Internationalization, the process of structuring your app’s code and UI for localization, is a fundamental first step in building apps for a global audience. With Apple’s powerful tools and technologies, including Xcode 11, Apple APIs, Auto Layout, and Unicode support, it’s easy to prepare your apps to support multiple languages and regions, even before you know which languages you’d like to add.

In Xcode, make sure your user-visible text and images are separate from your executable code. When you translate these elements into other languages, you can integrate the content back into your app as separate localized resource files stored within the app bundle. Images — including image sets, Apple Watch complications, Apple TV image stacks, Sprite Atlases, and symbol sets — can be localized directly in your Asset Catalog. You can also use localized SF system symbols and set the directionality for custom symbols — for example, for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew.

Use Apple APIs to correctly express user-visible or dynamically-generated values, such as dates, lengths, weights, prices, and currency symbols, across different locales. Ensure your app accepts user-generated text in any language and in multiple languages at once, independent of the user interface language. This allows app content to appear in the user’s preferred language and format. You can also take advantage of Auto Layout to automatically adjust the dimensions and layouts of views, extensive Unicode support to work with text from any language, the powerful text handling technologies of Cocoa and Cocoa Touch to display, lay out, and edit text in many languages, and much more.

With iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, users can select their preferred language for your app independent of their device language, making it easy for multilingual users to switch between languages in your app. On macOS Catalina, users can set the language of an app in the Language & Region section of System Preferences.

Prepare for a Global Audience

Investigate Market Factors

Market-specific demographics, such as population, language, and purchasing power, can help you better understand areas that might have an affinity or need for your app. Every market has its own preferences for the types of apps or categories customers most enjoy. For example, games are popular worldwide, however strategy games may be more popular in a particular region. Consider selecting markets with similar attributes to those in which you have already established success, such as strong app downloads, sales, usage, or retention metrics, as this may make for easier growth. When selecting a market, assess how your app might fit in and how its value and functionality aligns with that market’s needs. You may even identify a need in the market that is not yet filled, allowing you to bring unique value to users with your app.

Use App Analytics To Determine Potential Markets

If you offer your app worldwide but haven’t localized for particular regions, you can look at key performance metrics, such as Product Page Views, App Units, Sales, and Active Devices, filtered by territory. This can help you determine if your app is attracting users in a particular territory that might benefit from localization. For example, if your app is primarily in English and you see lower than average retention or Sessions per Active Device in Germany, you might consider adding German language support. Keep in mind that some markets may have greater proficiency with your app’s primary language, while others may require more significant localization work. Usage data such as active devices, sessions, and retention include only users who have agreed to share their diagnostics and usage information with you.

For more information on using App Analytics, see Gain Insights with App Analytics.

Consider Local Culture and Customs

While your app and product page should each provide a consistent experience across all markets, it’s sometimes valuable to refine certain elements for cultural relevance. For example, you might try incorporating market-specific content or cultural moments, such as special holiday content or regional art styles. You may want to consider any local policies and market regulations, as well as any political or religious sensitivities, to increase the likelihood that your app is well received.

Localize Your App

Translate User-Visible Content

Use the Xcode Export For Localization feature to automatically extract all localizable content, including strings referenced from code, stringsdict files, and Interface Builder files, as well as any localized assets. This process shouldn’t require modifications to your source code, making it easy to work on translations in-house or with an external localization service. Be sure to also localize purpose strings for a consistent app experience, and consider localizing your privacy policy so that all users have a clear understanding of how their data may be handled.

Apple Services. Use Apple APIs to automatically present localized buttons, payment sheets, errors, and more for Apple Pay, Apple Wallet, and Sign in with Apple.

Audiovisual Media. You can also provide localized support for audiovisual media in your app using AVKit and AVFoundation. These frameworks provide built-in support for easily presenting subtitles and closed captions, and for selecting alternative audio and video tracks.

Localization Services. If choosing an external localization service to help translate content, find out if they specialize in localizing for particular languages, cultures, or categories, and confirm the levels of quality assurance they provide. Providing the service with context about your app and content can help increase efficiency and minimize translation errors. Consider creating a guide with important details — for example, a playbook with character names and personalities, explanations of jokes or humor, a glossary of frequently used terms, and screenshots that show where the translations will be used. Avoid machine translation as your only translation method, since this can lead to inaccurate and low-quality translation because it does not account for context, cultural sensitivities or language nuances. For example, the “book” button in a hotel app might be incorrectly translated to be “novel” rather than “reserve”.

Test Your Localization

Configure test plans in Xcode to easily run tests with different settings and define your testing variants in one place. This helps flag any instances of clipping, truncation, layout overlapping, or issues with right-to-left formatting for the devices and languages you support. You can use the Localization Screenshots feature to generate localized screenshots from successful tests and export these screenshots for use in tutorials, marketing materials, or your App Store product page. Once your app is localized, use TestFlight to share your app with a group of users in the market to get feedback and gather opportunities for improvement.

Prepare for Launch

Localize Your Product Page

Localize your App Store metadata in App Store Connect — such as your app description, keywords, app previews, and screenshots — for each of the countries or territories in which you offer your app. You can also translate your app’s name and tailor your keywords to reflect the values of each market so your app might better resonate with the local audience. You can use the App Store Connect API to automate your metadata upload and management for multiple localizations.

International Payment Methods and Pricing

The App Store handles payment processing, so it’s easy to offer your content to users around the world. Users pay for your apps and in-app purchases with credit or debit cards, carrier billing, digital wallets, or App Store and iTunes gift cards, depending on regional availability.

When pricing your apps and in-app purchases, you’ll choose a price tier in App Store Connect that contains prices already adjusted appropriately for the market in each country or region. For auto-renewable subscriptions, you can choose from 200 price points across all available currencies and price tiers to offer appropriate pricing for each location.

Adapt Your Marketing Strategy

When launching your app in a new market, adapt your marketing strategy to the region to help your audience easily learn about your app and the value it provides. Research which social networks or other channels are most popular with local audiences, as these may vary significantly across markets, and use them to spread the word about your app. Localize any materials you use in your marketing and user acquisition efforts, such as screenshots, banners, and advertisements.

App Store Badges. Use the Download on the App Store badge in your communications as a clear call to action to download your app. Localized badges are available to let your international audience know that your app is tailored for them. Download badges from the App Store Marketing Guidelines.

Search Ads. In addition, you can drive discovery of your app with Apple Search Ads, which lets you promote your app at the top of relevant App Store search results in more than 60 countries and regions. See Search Ads to learn more and read developer success stories.

Evaluate Success

Xcode Developer Tools Catalina Installer

Use App Analytics in App Store Connect to find out how customers discover and engage with your app, and filter this data by the territories in which you’ve expanded. See how many users discover your app while searching or browsing on the App Store and measure the percentage of views that result in a first-time download. Find out if users continue to use your app, and see the number of installations, sessions, and active devices. Compare this data to that of other markets where your app has been available longer. You may find you need to adjust your marketing strategy or better localize your app to improve performance. Once you’ve found success in your chosen markets, you can identify new markets and add additional localizations to provide a great user experience for even more customers.


Find tools, documentation, and resources you need to localize your app and product page.

Wading through shortcuts, and it’s too hard to remember any? Get those keystrokes ingrained in your muscle memory for good.

Xcode Developer Tools Catalina Patcher

Interactive Training

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Interactive drills train the muscle-memoryrequired to have your fingers flying across the keyboard.

Need to cheat?

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All your favorites in one place


Cover the basics with shortcuts for macOS or let your fingers fly in one of the 28 apps and tools you already love.

1.000+ Shortcuts

With our database you’ve got more than 1.000 keyboard commands at your fingertips, subdivided by app and category.

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Mouseless translates shortcuts to the language requirements of your keyboard.

Offline Support

No Wi-fi – no problem. Mouseless runs just as smoothly in a rustic cabin as on a plane.

Xcode Developer Tools CatalinaXcode Developer Tools Catalina

Get it done faster

Master all of the magic keystrokes for your favorite apps & tools.


Mouseless comes with exercises for Xcode, Webflow, Code, Ulysses, Trello, Transmit, Todoist, Things, Superhuman, Sublime Text, Spotify, Slack, Sketch, Safari, Photoshop, Notion, macOS, iA Writer, Google Docs, Gmail, Firefox, Finder, Figma, Evernote, Google Chrome, Bear, Airtable, Adobe XD.

However, the menu bar dropdown supports every app that is currently open.

We didn’t implement a trial yet, but no worries—feel free to purchase the app. If you’re not happy send a short message. We’ll refund your order.

By the way, we’re part of the SetApp catalogue and they offer a free trial for 7 days. They give you access to 170+ apps, including Mouseless.

Mouseless requires the accessibility permission in “System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy › Accessibility”.

For macOS 10.15 (Catalina) the screen recording permission in “System Preferences › Security & Privacy › Privacy › Screen Recording” is required too. Don’t worry—we don’t record your screen.

Nope, not for now. But give us a shout and we’ll consider it.

Sure, we have set up a public feedback board to gather app requests. Submit all the apps you miss or any other ideas you might have.

Nooo! Mouseless is not about getting rid of your mouse—you’ll always need it! But you’ll spend less time with mouse clicking.

The amount of keyboard shortcuts for each app or tool varies, so there cannot possibly be a general answer to that. Of course, individual learning behavior affects the result as well. Try to establish a daily study routine, put your knowledge into practice, and you should see results rather quickly.

Send us more details, please. As of now, Mouseless does not support every single keyboard layout known to man, but hey: goals!
