Download From Docker Hub

Download ZAP Checksums for all of the ZAP downloads are maintained on the 2.10.0 Release Page and in the relevant version files. As with all software we strongly recommend that ZAP is only installed and used on operating systems and JREs that are fully patched and actively maintained. Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows - docker/kitematic.

NG6-Starter by @AngularClass.

I have the same thing, but I also noticed that Hyper-V has to be enabled. As in, if your copy of Windows 10 has Hyper-V, you can install it by simply enabling it because it’s already there. On Windows 10 Home, though, there is no Hyper-V to enable. I also have Windows 10 Home. The only option for Home edition users is to use Docker. Docker for windows 10 home edition 64.

One of the things that makes Docker so useful is how easy it is to pull ready-to-use images from a central location, Docker’s Central Registry.It is just as easy to push your own image (or collection of tagged images as a repository) to the same public registry so that everyone can benefit from your newly Dockerized service. MediaWiki is a free software open source wiki package written in PHP.

Jaeger components can be downloaded in two ways:

  • As executable binaries
  • As Docker images

Download From Docker Hub Installer


Download From Docker Hub

Jaeger binaries are available for macOS, Linux, and Windows. The table below lists the available binaries:

Latest versionAssets

You can find the binaries for previous versions on the GitHub releases page.


Download Tar File From Docker Hub

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Download From Docker Hub

Docker images

The following Docker images are available for the Jaeger project via the jaegertracing organization on Docker Hub:

Download Image From Docker Hub


Skype Download From Docker Hub

ImageDescriptionSince version

Designed for quick local testing. It launches the Jaeger UI, collector, query, and agent, with an in-memory storage component.


Sample application “HotROD” that demonstrates features of distributed tracing (blog post).

$ docker pull jaegertracing/example-hotrod:1.22

Receives spans from Jaeger clients and forwards to collector. Designed to run as a sidecar or a host agent.


Receives spans from agents or directly from clients and saves them in persistent storage.

$ docker pull jaegertracing/jaeger-collector:1.22

Serves Jaeger UI and an API that retrieves traces from storage.


An alternative to collector; reads spans from Kafka topic and saves them to storage.

$ docker pull jaegertracing/jaeger-ingester:1.22

An Apache Spark job that collects Jaeger spans from storage, analyzes links between services, and stores them for later presentation in the Jaeger UI

$ docker pull jaegertracing/spark-dependencies:latest

A Kubernetes Operator for packaging, deploying, and managing Jaeger installation.


A utility script used to initialize Cassandra keyspace and schema.

$ docker pull jaegertracing/jaeger-cassandra-schema:1.22

A utility script used to purge old indices from Elasticsearch, since ES does not support data TTL.

$ docker pull jaegertracing/jaeger-es-index-cleaner:1.22